Wat verstaan we onder een interface detailontwerp?

What do we mean by an interface detailed design (interface detailed design)?

Man and machine cannot (yet) communicate with each other without problems. For example, the information a person can understand (such as text and images) is different from the information (ones and zeros) of a computer. This requires an interface. 

This interface converts information from one system into a form that is understandable and recognizable by the other system. Choosing the word "system" shows that interfaces are not just for communication between man and machine. Communication between two computer components is also through an interface. An interface may also be needed between two people. For example, people who do not speak the same language use an interpreter. The interface can also be found everywhere outside the computer world. For example, the remote control of a TV or the buttons on an MP3 player are also examples of interfaces. Therefore, the interface is the link between the two systems.

Interfaces exist within a product in several areas. The Interface Detailed Design (IDD) document describes how the interface works but also how the interface can be used.

So what is a good interface design?

Not every interface is as qualitative as the others. To ensure that you have a quality interface, it must meet a number of requirements. We explain them briefly below. A good interface is:

  • comfortable; the receiving party should be able to communicate with the application in an easy way 
  • effective: the goal of the task should be achieved in a simple way
  • motivating; use must be accessible and encourage use
  • attractive; the design should also ensure that the threshold for using the application is as low as possible.
  • stimulating to the user;
  • efficient; little effort is required from the user.

Interfaces at Confed

Confed understands the importance of interfaces for many products that are used daily. Consider, for example, hospital equipment, smartphones or other devices that humans use. These types of devices need to function properly. Therefore, our design team is ready to ensure the best detail design and make products function according to the latest trends and developments. Our knowledge and experience have already helped many customers get the best out of different products or projects. 


Wondering which interfaces work best for your products or projects? Contact us and we will look at the possibilities for you.

Choose Confed. Choose fast, reliable and quality.

Got curious?

Have you become curious about what we can do for you in this area? We would like to invite you to contact us. This can easily be done by phone or via our general email address. You can also send us a request via the contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact via:

info@confed.eu or tel: +31(0) 33 454 1340

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