Wat is de Time Material Methodiek?

Wat is de Time Material Methodiek?

The approach to a project is crucial to efficient and quality product development. There are different types of approaches that support various products or processes. At the start of a development project, the best project approach is obviously chosen. One of the models is Time Material. We explain more about it in this blog.

What exactly is the Time Material Methodology?

A Time Material method involves billing during product development based on the time we actually spent doing the work and materials required. This is regardless of how many hours the production of the products actually requires (or materials). In many cases, this method is used for projects when it is not possible to accurately estimate the amount of time and materials to be spent. Also, when the project requirements are expected to change during the course of the project, this methodology is often used.

Why is the Time Material Methodology fine for you?

A Time Material method is advantageous when you expect flexible work from us. Is the project not yet completely clear or are any changes planned? Then this method is the best approach for your (product development) projects. This method gives you by far the most flexibility and the certainty that any windfalls and setbacks will be absorbed as well as possible so that the project schedule is not jeopardized.

Time Material Methodology at Confed

So the Time Material methodology fits well with projects where our client requires a lot of flexibility. For this reason, the project is divided into a number of work packages. Confed uses these work packages to deliver the project structurally in smaller parts. Prior to each work package, the activities to be performed are determined in consultation with you. A ceiling of the budget for hours and materials is also determined. At the end of the budget, the results are shared and agreements are made about the next work package. This way you know how much you are spending and no budgets are exceeded. You control the spending and adjustments in the project are determined until further notice.

If, on the contrary, the project has very good definable assumptions in advance, the V-model is more appropriate. More about the V-model can be found on our site. 

Are you curious which projects we can do for you based on the Time Material Methodology? Or which other methodologies we use? Please feel free to contact us. We are happy to answer your questions and look with you at different solutions and possibilities. 

Choose Confed. Choose fast, reliable and quality.

Got curious?

Have you become curious about what we can do for you in this area? We would like to invite you to contact us. This can easily be done by phone or via our general email address. You can also send us a request via the contact page and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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info@confed.eu or tel: +31(0) 33 454 1340

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